2 ounce Foil Pack question


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May 21, 2009
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I have a prospective customer who will be buying my coffee packed in 2 ounce foil flat bags. Since I will be roasting this in the morning and grinding either in the evening or the next morning I feel the need for valves in the foil bags. Am I correct in this assumption? We are currently only selling coffee by the pound for home use and we use valved bags for our customers who want us to grind their coffee for them but I see many manufacturers who do not use valves in their small flat bags.
Long before we had a nice portion pack machine, someone in my company (he he) used to take a push pin and pop each of the bags. As long as its getting to your customer fast you shouldnt need worry about stale coffee....IMO
If you bag your coffee within a week after roasting, and bag in a foil bag without a degassing valve, the bag will burst...found this out the hard way. I believe the added cost for a valve on those little 2-oz pillow packs is only about $.04.
We use the bags and haven't needed the valve. If its just roasted, we grind the beans and let them sit in a container overnight. It helps speed up the degassing process.
Sorry to hijack your thread but

How does the industry sell 2 to 2 1/2 oz bags for brewing 10 cups of coffee when the suggested use for geeks is 2 oz for every 6 -8 ounces of water ?
They assume you use a drip brewer, whereas cups are measured at only 4oz. A 10 cup brew pot would only be 40 liquid ounces. Weird but true.

Update: Wait a minute, geeks use 2oz coffee for 8oz water? Ha, I just noticed that. Actually, it's two tablespoons (hardly 2oz) coffee per 6-8 ounces water. ;-)
I thought that it is two ounces by volume not by weight
or as suggested on another "How to" article (for press pot).....0.45 ounces of coffee by weight to every 6 ounces (by volume of water) .............now quickly what does that mean the density of coffee is ?
Yeppers, 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds (((dry weight ((of course (or should I say write coarse))) = close to 1/2 ounce, or as you specified, 0.45oz.

Density? Hahaha, I take it that was a joke? I guess it would depend on how fine your coffee is ground, LOL.

btw - wb wmark! :D
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