

Super Moderator
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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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It drives me nuts!!! How simple sample roasters are...and they cost $6,000! Man and starbucks gets you angry?! You guys should focus some of your anger at the sample roasters manufatures! :p I personally wouldn't use the electric cooker...I like gas better than electric..also you would have to re-do the motor for the drum...I have seen them turn and it isn't fast enough to keep the coffee tumbling....the grill would work...no air flow though...but you you could just put the drum over the flame...I used a javitz berns from 1918 that didn't have air flow either..the only problem you might find is cooling the coffee after it is roasted...you will need to run a fan on the side of the grill with a graiting over it...man now I want to fiddle with my grill...oh well keep us posted I am interested to see what you come up with. Oh yeah and on the drum...guess you would have to use the some kind of mesh drum? Or how are you planning on checking the status of the coffee?
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I think we misunderstood each other...I was being sarcastic about the anger and I thought you where talking about sample roasters...Because sample(1 lbs or less) are around 6 grand...I just got my new toy...it is a ym2 . Ym2 is a 2.2 kilos roaster...I use it for sample batches and experimental blending(i.e. mucking about) I have a 30 kilos coming in a week or so(we are just now setting up a new roastery) We will buy another 30 in 4 months...as to the price $25 grand will get you a 30 kilos which is sort of small...but I was doing 15,000 lbs a month at my last place on a 25 kilo without even breaking a sweat :grin: oh well...I did have an idea on your roasting contraption though...on the grill cut a hole in the front of the grill(top door)that will line up with your drum...that way you can test your coffee it would look just like the javitz I used ...the way that one worked was the chaff just floated out the hole...lastly do not forget to weld arms inside the drum or all the coffee will congregate in the back of the drum...well back to my "toy"roaster oh and by the way...the wee littler roaster I play with was under 5 grand...well good luck with it.
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I was asking if you roasted...man it sux that you guys aren't going to be in Atlanta :cry: you are going to miss a good time
Okay you two put your toys back in the box and make up :p I agree with both of you somewhat in your views regarding why or why not to support some of these different associations. All of these organizations serve a purpose, mainly in the areana of information. As we all know the most valuable commidity is information and people are willing to pay highly for it. In my humble opinion that is the main reason they exist. With that being said, I sometimes monitor these sources to see if I can learn anything valuable and then check each to see if they are consistent in their claims. Alot of the time I see them as nothing more than people throwing around their opinions to see you will buy into what they are saying. However, what I find more interesting is that anyone in this industry (myself included), don't hang on every word these organizations put out, its mainly the newbies that focus on the validity of their claims. I'm always interested in learning new things, but I don't need these organizations to prove to others (customers) that I know what I'm talking about. The proof is in the pudding and only experience will prevail in the end. Sure its always nice to get new customers on merit, but what do you do when prospective customers surf the net and look at only the businesses that carry these organizations banners on their sites and assume these companies are the best ones? If you check the archieves on the "Coffee Fest" posts, you'll see my thoughts on Coffee Fest. I still feel the same way. I usually don't follow the trade shows simply because they are two expensive and I don't get any business out of them. If I happen to be in a city where one is being held, I'll drop in as a spectator and go around with the general populas and collect information on either my competition or get info on new up and comers and new equipment, etc. Well enough rambling I gotta go :)
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hope my pm clears up everything.. :D just so everyone knows..we are making nice nice :grin: like I said in my email...would love to grab a pint and get nutty some time!
Topher not Tropher :p