Accessibility and Magento


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Boulder, CO
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Anyone working on a site using Magento? I just took over the web and marketing and am not finding Magento very user-friendly. Also, there's only 1 option for a cart and the 1-page checkout does not work very well with screen readers. Does anyone have any suggestions? The owner of the company and Master Roaster is blind which makes for quite an interesting story but we're having issues getting the site to work well in any browser! Thanks.
Nice website. I am really quite impressed that the masterroaster/owner is visually challenged... I have heard of blind wine makers, but for sure never heard of a blind roaster. Knowing the job fairly thoroughly I thought through just how I would cope roasting using only smell and sound- minus the visual aspect. Pretty tough for sure- let alone opperating a roaster and adjusting flame and airflow... I have added the website to my twitter site and for sure will pop in when (not if) I am ever back in Broncos country! :)
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Thanks Alun_evans - stop in and see us sometime! It definitely is a pretty impressive process. Gerry, our Master Roaster, was a car mechanic for many years so after getting official training, he rigged the roaster himself to implement a speaking thermometer that measures the internal temps. He then goes by those temps and listens to the cracking of the beans to know when they're done. We have brailled all the bins and files that he needs. I think he knows of one other blind Roaster, but there certainly aren't many. We'd love to meet you (and I'm a huge Broncos fan, went to the opening home game this year - 5-0! shocking us all)!! New Zealand is at the top of my list so hopefully I'll be able to visit there sometime too!
I'm an e-commerce developer specialising in osCommerce, Zen-Cart and Magento. Just read your post and although I might be late in reading it, I just wondered if you found the answer to the problems you were having?