Allegro coffee from Whole Foods, opinions?


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Apr 25, 2009
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Ive been buying these coffees for the last few months and im very happy with the quality, freshness, price and variety. The roast daily right there in the store and they usually have about 10-20 varieties available. Right now im drinking Allegro's Kenyan Grand Cru and its excellent. Anyone else else have any opinions or expereince with these coffees?
Here is some third-hand gossip. Probably someone out there knows the facts better than me.

Our two local Whole Foods stores have nice air roasters. All their coffee has "roasted on" dates. I figured all was roasted in house. When I need some beans I go there. Always good.

Talked to a local roaster at a steet fair. Young couple, just making the jump from hobby to commercial. They were excited: Working on a deal with Whole Foods. But, I said, their roaster? Right there in the store. Oh, they said, they roast a little there but mostly they source it out.

I relate this story in this thread because it suggests that the roasts at Whole Foods are done in small batches by local contract roasters. I think this is good but it does mean that Whole Foods beans might not be consistent from region to region.
That is exactly right. It depends on where you live who the roaster is. Our whole foods roaster is counter culture coffee, I know this because I attended a cupping there.
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I guess some whole foods have local roasters do some of their roasting, I cant say for sure what the store i shop at does. To be honest I could care less who actually does the roasting as long as the coffee tastes good:) Ive tried most of the local roasters here in the Long Island/NYC area and Whole foods still among the best as far as quality, selection and freshness IMO, Oren's Daily roast is also a great but they roast a bit darker then I like. The only better coffee Ive had was from a few of the top roasters like Paradise Coffee, Counter culture and Stumptown but once you add shipping costs those coffees can get quite expensive, so i only order from them for special occasions or when i want to treat myself to something really special.
I'm in Denver and I don't want to disrespect anyone but I think that Allegro are considered the 5th best coffee in town. There are some smaller companies that I think blow their socks off. I can't speak for tastes but is one of the best if you're trying brands. Some of the best coffee I've had was fresh roasted from whole foods but I think it was something else. I've had their coffee for years and I think they sacrifice a little quality for quantity.
Now, its been a year since I have known that allegro coffee. This whole food can be said good for coffee. This business is also made to entertain customers.