Astra Mega II?


New member
Jul 28, 2005
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Does anyone have experience or an opinion of the Astra Mega II (2 group) machine? It has the power I need at 4500 watts, but power isn't everything. I'm concerned with it's temperature stability, reliability and overall performance. I want to be able to pull ristretto's. Can this machine do it?

I need to replace my old La SanMarco. It's underpowered, can barely produce crema and the steamers are on/off. I need much finer steam control.

Any opinions? Should I just take out a second mortgage and get the La Marzocco?

Thanks for any opinions.

I am currently trying to use the mega 2, and having major temp problems. Please dont buy!! You don't need a Marzzoco to make great Espresso. Check out Rancillo or Astoria
Well I agree with you there we seem to have the problems with the machine. We have the same one In Our coffee house expect we have the steam wand But no espresso or hot water for the left side and then The right side went today too. we either think it is calcium or a valve problem we don't think it is the boiler. But We have no espresso.
I can't comment on the machine in question because I haven't been around one. I have been around 2 different La Marzocco's, the Linea and the FB80. Both are sweet, but my personal favorite is my newest acquisition, a Nuova Simonelli Aurelia 2 group. If you're looking for something to blow pretty much everything else out of the water in terms of performance, styling, features then look no further than the Aurelia. IMO it's much more refined than any other machine I've used yet and simply kicks butt. Later!
I have a two year old Nouva simonelli aurelia two group semi auto 8000.00 two years ago will sell it for 2,500. Buyer will have to pay for shipping


Charlie Bean Coffee
CharlieBeanCompany said:
I have a two year old Nouva simonelli aurelia two group semi auto 8000.00 two years ago will sell it for 2,500. Buyer will have to pay for shipping


Charlie Bean Coffee

Hi Charlie,

Are you sure you want to post this message here in this forum thread? You may have better luck getting people's attention and finding a buyer if you post it in the Business 2 Business or maybe the Deals and Specials section.

Two questions regarding the Aurelia..... 1st, why would you want to sell such a fine machine? 2nd, why so low on the price? If it's in good condition you could easily get $4-5K for it. Later!
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