

New member
May 15, 2005
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I ordered a Cafe au Lait at Starbucks (I think they call it a Misto at SB's) the other day and he asked me if I wanted a half and half, breve (I'm not sure if I'm speeling it right) style. What exactly is breve? Does that just mean half coffee half steamed milk? Just wondering.
No he wanted to know if you wanted your drink made from half and half. It makes for a very thick and rich Latte. I really can't stand it, hell even whole milk is to fatty!
So what makes a cafe au lait taste much better than a regular coffee adding regular cold milk? I mean, isn't milk just milk? and the cold milk will eventually get hot anyway.
The milk in the Cafe au Lait is heated. Now for it tasting better I don't know. Maybe its the coffee, or the type of milk. Some people add sugar to make it taste better.
In other words, Breve means 570 calories, 42 grams of fat and 16 carbs.

When you're a customer for life, remember that you're only a customer for life. They can kill you and still be successful.

Put on a breve face and make your last request. Blindfold? Cigarette?
The reason steamed milk tastes better is that the steaming process develops the proteins (casseins).

It is like cooking most anything - it develops the flavor more because the heating process chemically changes the food or drink.
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