Coffee and G.E.R.D.


New member
Jan 12, 2022
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Ah... the acronym for gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Has anyone here experienced GERD from drinking coffee? If so, what have you done?

I've been a long time coffee lover for years. Learning about roasting, choosing various beans from around the world, trying out different methods of brewing and of course enjoying the fruits of the labor have and continue to be such an enjoyable experience. However over the last year or so I've been experiencing GERD quite often. I've learned quite a bit about the dietary causes, coffee possibly being one of them.

Just recently I've had to curb my coffee intake to one cup every other day and am hoping this will help. I'll keep you posted. Any input on this would certainly be appreciated. Thanks.
GERD is so individual. Everyone is different. I have heard the severity of GERD you experience is genetic.

I have experienced from all kinds of food and drink, and even occasionally in response to not eating. But I have never experienced GERD specifically from coffee. Thank goodness, because I drink a lot of coffee and would sure miss it.

My day to day is to take a standard 16 oz bottle of water, put in two Alka Seltzer tablets. I leave the top of the bottle off. Then as I get some indigestions now and again throughout the day, (often in response to just bending over and picking something off the floor), I take a sip from my treated water, and the problem goes away.

Hope that helps.
I suffered from it for many years, taking the prscribed drug. I lost twenty pounds, never again.
I can totally relate to your love for coffee and the struggle with GERD. Cutting down to one cup every other day is a smart move. Consider opting for low-acid coffee beans and experimenting with different brewing methods. Keeping a food diary can help identify triggers and also would be useful to visit an article about the gerd diet. Wishing you relief and continued coffee enjoyment!
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