Coffee Fest in Seattle


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Aug 14, 2004
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Is anyone attending the coffee fest in Seattle? It's in October. I'm in Oregon so i'll be driving 3 hours to get there. They also have coffee education classes free with admission every morning before the covention each of the three days. I'll only be going to their Sunday convention since i have to work the other days.
Just wondering if anyone living in Seattle knew about this and are going.
I'll be doing the SCAA 17th in Seattle next April. Too far for me to swim over there twice in a 6 month period! :grin:
Hey Alun_...

Tiger is a 6 year old male Golden Retriever and Skye is an almost 2 years old female Hound mix. We're thinking maybe a Golden Retriever mixed with a Greyhound. We got her at the humane Society 9 months ago.
Seattle Coffeefest

HI Strawberry 78.

I'm actually going to the Coffeefest trade show.

Have a tabletop there. Getting introduced to the coffee world!

If you would like a postcard ticket I can send one to you. I think they have to be registered by October 1 however, then the price changes from free admission to $10.

Let me know, I'll get my bosses right on it. Just e-mail me back with an address and I'll fix you right up.
Hey Coffee Joe,
That would be great but i already ordered my tickets online and it's suppose to come by mail. I paid $20 for it. Thanks though. :cry:
I'll be there...Friday or Saturday. this will be my 2nd Coffee Fest in 4 months...happened to be in Vegas for my daughter's wedding in June. We were there the last day of the show, so it was winding down in a hurry, so this time I'm not waiting for the last day.

have fun
Welllllll...Since it's in my back yard, and seeing that I've avoided it for the last number years...I may make a cameo appearence 8) Won't be displaying any thing though...but I'll take a goody bag and look for all of the free sweets :twisted:

The Coffee Fest will be Oct. 15th, 16th & 17th and held at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center, 800 Convention Place in Downtown Seattle. If you have further questions you can contact the Coffee Fest offices located in Bellevue, WA. Their local phone number is (425) 283-5058, ext. 13.

There my public service has been done :wink: For those that have never been, have fun, those that have gone to a number of them, still pretend you're having fun, and for those who can't make it, maybe next time.

Hey AE I may attend the SCAA show next spring. You and Topher contact me once your in the great northwest...If you guys are lucky, I just might let you buy me a couple of drinks... :twisted:
Buy you drinks? I think it is me that has been pimping your consulting service...and you have to remember that I am a roaster...I can't afford drinks for myself let alone another..minimum wage is a bitch! :twisted: Just kidding...When I come out next year I'll buy you a pint or two you cheap bas... :wink:
Well at least you make minimum wage :D ...That's a step up from what I make :twisted: So now I know you can afford it 8) You know it's tough when you only make $2.95 per hour before taxes :twisted:
Like I could miss either events....I'll be the one wearing a green polo shirt with NWJAVA logo.

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