Coffee freshness, tips on how to store gourmet coffee...


New member
Feb 10, 2009
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I know that there are plenty of gourmet coffee businesses out there in the market, and we may not be the best, but at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee we roast fresh to order making sure the coffee that you receive will be fresh and not only that we are now offering free shipping on any order of 5 lbs or more of this months favorite coffee, and remember the proof is in the cup, so come and visit us at... [url=""][/url]

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Hello "Jarafinc"

I looked at your web site, and I don't see any shipping prices for ordering something other than 5 pounds of this month's favorite coffee. You have an interesting variety of coffees.

By the way, I enjoyed listening to the music on your Contact page.

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Thanks for the comment Your shipping prices are calculated automatically i can give a price list if you want, but if you order 5 lbs of this months favorite coffee the shipping is free... other than that standard rates apply, or you can click on our Shipping information tab, it will explain it further...

If you have a website I can take a look at yours too...
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Hello Jarafinc,

You offer quite a variety of coffees on your website.

Do you actually do the roasting, or are you a "middleman" for another coffee roaster?

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Hello everyone,

I'm beginning to wonder if Good Scents coffee is a scam. Has anyone actually received coffee from them?

I was stupid enough to send the link to a friend of mine who was looking for a particular coffee, and he ordered the coffee beans over two weeks ago. As of today, he still hasn't received them. He contacted Jarafinc through his Yahoo e-mail last week, and after several days he received a message that the beans were never shipped but he would send them out right away. Another week has passed and still no beans.

Does this place really exist? The web site is quite impressive.....but who knows what lengths someone will go to to scam people.

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

I am the owner of good scents gourmet coffee and am glad to say that we are not a scam, we have been having some difficulties with their address and also the coffee was shipped but did not reach its destination, we corrected the mistake and do apologize for any inconvenience anyone has been experiencing, they should receive their coffee soon and also we are giving them a free shipment order as well to make up for it.....
sorry about your friends order please don't judge us by it thanks
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

I do not do the roasting but have a partner which roasts for me but I am not necessarily a middle man I am more like their online presence....
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Thanks for the quick reply "Jarafinc"

I called my friend and told him that he should be receiving his coffee soon.
His reply was, "Yeah ... I'll believe it when I see it."

It's difficult to not judge a business based on a first impression.

We'll see....

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Hi Rose,
Their website: expired on 06/15/2009 and is pending renewal or deletion.
Not a good sign.
Tell your friend to not hold his breath.
Interesting that Jarafinc rhymes with Ratfink, hmm..... :wink:
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

the last comment was incorrect there is a problem with my domain registrar and no jarafinc does not rhyme with ratfink thanks I am a legitimate small business owner and would appreciate it if we could be professional in such a great opportunity to spread our business as this forum thanks

once again I do apologize for the inconvenience but the website will be up and running within the next 24 hrs

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Jarafinc said:
I know that there are plenty of gourmet coffee businesses out there in the market, and we may not be the best, but...
(And I thought my marketing skills were bad, lol.)

I actually like it when someone messes up my order and sends me something free for my trouble. Some companies, you never hear from them again and you just end up wondering what happened... for the rest of your life.

The fact that Jarafinc is coming back to defend his posts is a good sign. They should be given a chance to straighten some things out on their end.
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

I have to admit that I felt a little better when "Jarafinc" responded to my posting. However, another day has passed and still no coffee.

Now my friend is annoyed with me because I forwarded the web site address to him. I sent him a few web sites thinking that he would get information and compare prices, and he decided to place an order with Good Scents Coffee.

Then when so many days went by and the coffee was (and still is) a no-show, I really felt bad.

I'll feel soooo much better when the coffee beans finally arrive.

The next test will be in seeing what they look and taste like.

Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

On behalf of Good Scents Gourmet coffee I would like to post an apology please don't judge our company by our past mistakes, but check it out for yourself and allow us to prove ourselves to you....

our website domain registrar is fixed so come and check us out for yourself at
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

We were having some major difficulties with our orders, domain and other issues, but looks like they are all taken care of. I really am sorry for the order delay, but I am offering your friend another order of coffee on the house, please ask here what flavors she would like and I will send her the coffee asap. I really do apologize and hope that you enjoy the coffee. I will send her 2 lbs of whatever type of flavored coffee she would like....
Re: Free shipping at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee

Thank you for making the offer.

I think at this point your main focus should be on getting the original order processed and delivered.

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