Hi there. We run a tiny shop that's 1/3 cafe, 1/3 books, and 1/3 local handmade items so we don't spend a whole lot of capital on the cafe. That said, I've just about had it with our coffee pot. It's reliable but that's it's only virtue. It's an ancient Bunn ThermoFresh. It keeps a hot resvoir of water so we can never unplug it. The thing costs us $75/yr in electricity alone. I would also love to have something that has a hot water tap on it. We need a pot that we can pour the water into (we don't want to hook up a water line) and I'd prefer not to spend more than $200-300 on it. I'm happy to look for something used. We only make about one pot of coffee every 30-60 minutes so it doesn't have to anything too special. Do I have my head in the clouds? Any chance I could find the kind of replacement I'm thinking of?