Coolest idea for coffee shops!



I know my company is online and I do not serve coffee to humans, but this past weekend I had a booth at the Wine & Cheese Show here in Toronto. I served 1 0z shots of my coffees and some folks add milk and/or sugar. Stirring these tiny cups is too big for a spoon and I do not have stirrers. Hmmmmmm...

So I put out a glass with FETTUCINE in it, I KID YOU NOT! Folks loved it! Environmentally friendly, fun and CHEAP let me tell you!

Will work great and look good in your coffee shops!


Hi Lisa


What a innovative idea! How did that idea pop into your head?????

I'm curious.....did you just happen to have a box of FETTUCINE with you at the wine and cheese show or did you have to run out and buy some?

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I think I saw it a year or so ago at another shop in downtown Toronto but it went way back into my hard drive. When I was setting up the show the day before it started I ran into this difficulty with the stirrers and *boing* it came to me. I was going to need about 500 and there was no time to buy them.

I was going to need to buy fresh milk on my way in, so I bought a pack of fettuccine too. Cost about $1.50 and used about 1/3 of the package.


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Ohhh Tophie...

LMAO!!!! No Lisa seriously that is a great idea, but really did the noodles become limp?

That doesn't sound good either!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

I want to try that, I guess I need to experiment.

I am just digging my own grave aren't I ?
I've seen this method used before, however I'd be concerned that the pasta could easily break inside the cup, thereby providing a choke hazard for the client. Of course that person is likely better choked out on the floor, for being that stupid but any liability is more liability than I'd be willing to risk on something happening.
When I mentioned it to a local shop, they looked like a deer in the headlights when I asked them "what if...."