correct temperature of steamed milk..?

Steaming Milk

The temperature that you should keep your milk steamed to is between 140 and 155/160. Anything hotter than that and you scald the milk and it tastes burnt. For my shop, we steam to around 140-145. I've heard that for 1/2 & 1/2 it should be steamed to around 120, but I haven't followed that advice (if not 1/2 & 1/2, then it was for another milk type). Between 140 & 160 is the magic place; make sure you have a steaming thermometer, as the correct temp range should be colored for easy use.
Re: Steaming Milk

Comfy Place said:
The temperature that you should keep your milk steamed to is between 140 and 155/160. Anything hotter than that and you scald the milk and it tastes burnt. For my shop, we steam to around 140-145. I've heard that for 1/2 & 1/2 it should be steamed to around 120, but I haven't followed that advice (if not 1/2 & 1/2, then it was for another milk type). Between 140 & 160 is the magic place; make sure you have a steaming thermometer, as the correct temp range should be colored for easy use.

We always turn our steam off at 140 - the thermometer willl continue to rise and always stops at 155-160 when we do that.

As to the 120 degrees or so, that's for Soy....

Jeremy Meiss
Parkside Coffeehouse -