Does anyone know anything about Carribou Coffee?


New member
Aug 25, 2004
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We are in the process of opening up, or at least in the beginning stages of opening up a drive thru espresso. I recently found out that Carribou Coffee is planning on coming into the area with up to 5 locations soon. Does anyone know if they have drive up service? One location will be located about 1 mile away from our location. I am not concerned if it is a sit down shop, just a drive thru.
I tried one while in Charlotte, NC on business recently and it was good. It was a sit down shop on the lower level of a large office building in downtown. It was that or go to SB. I wanted to try something new. I have no idea if they are doing drive-thrus. It was a rustic, mountain lodge type of atmosphere. Very unique.
Anecdotal Info

Hi - I'm new to the newsgroup, and still a novice in the coffee field. However, I saw your post and wanted to tell you that I've been seeing Caribou coffee locations since the mid-nineties (starting in Minnesota and now trickling outward to places like Ohio and Virginia). I've not yet seen one with a drive-through.

They do foster a sort of fireplace-and-mountain-lodge atmosphere where possible. The location I saw in Ohio was nothing but a kiosk inside a downtown Cleveland mall near the Ritz Carlton. But I haven't seen a drive-through yet. They do sell a lot of packaged coffees, like Starbucks. Atmosphere is generally very friendly, in my experience.

I hope this helps.
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