Epressso trike project in NYC.


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Aug 12, 2011
Big Apple
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Hi everyone
I am excited to introduce something I have been working on. My business XXX Coffee has recently been picked up by New York Small Business Solutions. It is a government funded agency that help small business by mentoring and reshaping your direction towards a successful outcome. a hand full of businesses were chosen to get the opportunity to expand their horizons.

I have always wanted to incorporate my love of coffee and also cycling into a business I can meld all my passions into.
I was lead to crowdfunding, given 2 weeks to cram for a Kickstarter Launch here.http://Bit.ly/xxxcoffee . I have 20 days to reach my goal.

If I am successful in this campaign I will have the funding to redesign a coffee bike that mot only meets the standards of the DOH nin New York but I will have built something that a barista would be proud to use.

My background is in mobile coffee vending and building out coffee shops. So I figure other than getting the crowd to help with this project, I have the motivation to redefine the mobile espresso business, with the help of the coffee community.

I have a trike that is rated for 700 lbs. I am using a propane outfitted machine that uses low voltage for the electronic control of the propane.
I am using a piston lever machine. I am incorporating the essential elements that allow clean production and also meet the requirements of the DOH.
hand sink and water rules apply here. But instead of mapping it all out here. I will put a photo journal of the up once I start for better community feed back and input.

Since it is something we as an industry and coffee lovers in general will enjoy. I am asking for you opinions and support.
Check out my video and growing updates about our project as we update as things transpire. You can follow the social media links to my instagram feed and see my latte art and other coffee related photo's or hang around the Kickstarter page and see how things are shaping up over the next 20 days.

Thanks for taking the time to look.
