Hello all. I have a Grimac espresso machine (with the pods), so I mainly drink espresso and Americanos. Recently I've been drinking more Americanos cause tehy produce a bigger drink, but I usually make them about 50% water and 50% espresso with no milk or sugar. I am looking to diversify and find some good alternatives that produce good and strong coffee. Wikipedia has a good article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_preparation#Brewing), but they don't really compare strength or differences between the outcome of the various methods a whole lot.
Can anyone explain some of the differences between the outcome of various methods or provide a good link? Also any personal suggestions? So far French Press, Turkish, "Cowboy" and Indonesian way look pretty interesting, but I'm not quite sure how their resulting product differs from Espresso/Americano.
Can anyone explain some of the differences between the outcome of various methods or provide a good link? Also any personal suggestions? So far French Press, Turkish, "Cowboy" and Indonesian way look pretty interesting, but I'm not quite sure how their resulting product differs from Espresso/Americano.