Ethiopian Harar DP MAO Horse, Lot 4338 '03:

Kewl! I use a small home unit every once in a while to play with blends...I am going to install a sample roaster in my home in the next year! CAN'T WAIT! Yeah thats just what I need bring work home with me!
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I only drink coffee @ home. And, I only roast my own. Been doing that for some time. Cannot drink/take ANY coffee in any Coffee Shop &/or Restaurant. I gave up trying long ago (to find a place for good coffee). Not even "drinkable" coffee (of any kind--- regular, espresso, cappuccino, latte, mocha). It's all pretty bad out there (in the retail world).
I know the feeling...I am a roaster..and I don't like to drink coffee at shops....especially when they find out I am a roaster...then they want my opinion
topher said:
I know the feeling...I am a roaster..and I don't like to drink coffee at shops....especially when they find out I am a roaster...then they want my opinion

Ya gotta develop a cover identity for drinking out! Something like Secret Coffee Agent Man!
tintinet...he is spoiled..he can roast his own coffee. once you have had coffee that fresh you can not go back! Most large chains have a central roasting the roaster roasts the coffee...then it is sent make a long story short the coffee you get at a lot of coffee shops could be anywhere from 1 week to many months old !!