Excellent Excellent deal on nice machine


New member
Jun 15, 2009
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Hey any of you who are new out there and looking to find the best espresso machine (or first machine) for your money, I found one that is the best deal I've seen. I originally played with it in a store and really liked what I saw; Its a Krups model: xp4030 and its list price is about $240. However, I just found it available on Amazon and actually purchased it for 79 bucks plus about 12 bucks shipping and a few tax. Even so, under a $100 for what I believe will serve as an excellent first brewer. I even returned the one that I bought previously, a Mr Coffee ECMP50 because there is simply no comparison between the two. Anybody interested should check out the following URL:

http://www.amazon.com/Krups-XP4030-Espr ... 509&sr=8-1

Thanks, and hope this helps a few people out.
Hello "leancrayon1"

Thanks for posting the link. It looks like a good deal.... maybe too good to be true. Is the espresso maker still working okay for you? Some of the comments on the Amazon website aren't very favorable.

Yeah, I was looking at the reviews, and they're very split. What I've noticed is that really hardcore espresso gurus don't like it, but these may very well be the same people with the $2000 machines and top of the line everything. For me, I just want something to somewhat replicate a starbucks for me. I haven't received it yet, it's scheduled to arrive on Monday. After I get it up and running I'll do a review and post it up on here or on youtube. I will post you a link to the youtube video as well.

And I also was a little bit skeptical about the legitimacy of the offer, so I looked up the vendor (dollarsays) on amazon and they have nothing but positive reviews and testimonials (literally, a 5 star vendor) and everyone just says that they are a reliable merchant that sells things for cheap. The thing is, if it doesn't arrive or is faulty, I bought it on Amazon, and amazon.com guarantees all of they're products with a full shipping+money back promise. I will keep you posted.
Yes, please let us know how it all works out for you.

Hi "leancrayon1 "

It's been a while since you last posted.
Did you receive the Krips espresso machine yet?
I was wondering how you like it and if you still think you got a good deal.

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