First fresh decaf


Jan 10, 2017
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My latest order came in the mail yesterday and I was fairly excited because I ordered some coffee that Alex mentions a lot, a yellow bourbon that is honey processed. Usually when I open the shipping bag I can smell the beans but this time there was hardly any smell. I looked at the bag and they shipped me the wrong beans. The next thing I noticed is the beans did not have that nice brown roasted look to them, they were dull looking, being color deficient I have a hard time with colors but to me they looked like a dark grey. Since I'm out of my last order I had no choice but to try them and decided to give them a fair chance. As it was brewing there was not much smell to them but it actually didn't taste all that bad. The next thing I noticed was how much I missed the caffeine so right now I'm having one of the wife's 8 o'clock k-cups to get my morning fix. I suggest doing this once in a while so one can really appreciate fresh coffee!

The bag says they are SWP so I went to the site and seen this means the process that was used is the swiss water method so I decided to look into this bit and found a site that talked about the methods used to remove the caffeine. What surprised me was the other methods that use chemicals, wow I'm glad what I got was SWP. I thought it was an interesting site so I posted the link in case others want a good read. While I don't understand the scientific side of this there is enough info there that the average guy can understand it.

Decaffeination 101: Four Ways to Decaffeinate Coffee

I did email the vendor right away last night and this morning I seen they emailed me back apologizing and said they shipped my original order and will get it Saturday, I say that's good customer service.
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good to hear that your problem got solved along the way you learned about SWP.
anyway, which company did you buy the coffee?

It was thru and roaster is PT's Coffee.

Here is what I ordered:

And here is what they sent me:

So you can imagine my disappointment, but I do get to keep both. Not sure what I will do with the decaf but will maybe try freezing some of it and use it when I'm in the mood for adding a flavoring.
thanks for the info.
but if you can or do not mind, please contact some of our forum member roasters to get some FRESH AND GREAT COFFEES.
Since they are our members, they will actually tell you which coffees are good and really fresh!!!

Personally, whenever my own coffee (from Guatemala) runs out, I always get new coffee from our roaster members.
Trust me. THEIR COFFEE IS VERY GOOD. Be sure to ask them in advance which ones are better than others. And they will tell you the truth.
good luck
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That's my plan, I have one more order with gocoffeego and then I'm eligible for my order with free shipping then I plan on giving the forum member roasters a try.
Swiss water process is awesome. I am sorry to hear it wasn't fresh. I only roast SWP for decaf and it smells AMAZING...super sweet. We pay an extra $1 a lb to assure our guests(and me) that there aren't any chemicals. The chemical that is most common is methyl chloride. They say it burns off at a low temp..but I am breathing in fumes during the I will stick with SWP. The cool thing is now SWP coffee now looks more like caffeinated coffee. It used to be black and hard to roast. You basically had to wait to a bead of oil appeared before you dumped the coffee.