funny tasting espresso


New member
Feb 8, 2005
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ive had my machine for almost a year now, and lately im getting a weird taste in it...almost like plastic melting somewhere.

i did clean it by letting it boil with clean water a couple of times (4 times) and im still getting the ugly taste.

can somebody please help life depends on it (or at least, i think it does)

cindy said:
ive had my machine for almost a year now, and lately im getting a weird taste in it...almost like plastic melting somewhere.

It seems that it is the problem of the beans. Some of the very low qualified beans are really taste terrible, and with too much extra-extraction can make espresso taste like that.

Personal understanding as guessing.
plastic? that doesn't sound too pleasant. :oops: i would think the cheap way would be to test out different beans and if you come across the same problem then you can go ahead and check out the machine. my two cents... i think its the machine
Okay and here my two cents worth as well... might only cost you two cents to do it too!! :grin:

How to clean and maintain a drip coffee maker
To begin the path to cleaner, fresher, better tasting coffee, follow these simple steps:

Mix 1/2 cup vinegar with 4 cups of water.
Run the coffee pot.
Turn off the coffee pot, and let it cool down.
Run the vinegar and water mixture thru coffee maker one more time.
Run plain water through the coffee maker; let cool for another 30 minutes, repeat.
Wash the carafe and filter with soapy hot water.

That's it! Works like a dream!
So often people miss the obvious when they complain about poor tasting coffee. Alot of shop owners in my area have this problem.

They tell me we've de-limed, cleaned throughly, everything under the sun. But they forgot about the water. We have notoriously hard water. If you have the same problem in your area, buy a softener or go for bottles of distilled water from the store.

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