green bean supplier close to pa


New member
Dec 2, 2006
hanover pa
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dear folks,

once again i am posting sorry to bug but i am looking for green bean supplier close to pa. who also does broken bags at a decent price i love my current broker who is a few states away but i need to have a back up
any ideas

do you mind if i ask who your current broker is? I'm a roaster in maine working on starting a business so I too am looking for a supplier a little closer than Minnesota
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green bean supplier

the guy i use and love to death has been with me for 3 years is theta ridge coffees in south bend indiana. the gentlemens name is kevin kuyers and he is great will work with you and has great knowledge his number is 1-800-745-8738 look him up and tell him merlin's coffee mentioned him i always try to pimp him lol good luck tis a wonderful business but alot of work
Supplier close to PA

There is one I know of, CBI. I think they are headquartered in Colombus Ohio but have a warehouse in York Pa. Believe they sell Indonesian and nicaragua coffee in particular but can't vouch for quality one way or another.

But is it really that important to have a guy in Pa? Lots of top importers keep coffee in all those NJ warehouses, not really that far from you.