Help choosing an espresso machine


New member
Nov 15, 2005
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Here a post from Chile. I need help choosing the righjt espresso machine for my café. I have read a lot to discover the right brand and model, but finally I always stop because the reviews come from dealers or distributors.

My café will have space for 40 to 60 peoples at the same time, in and italian old fashioned style and we want to offer maximun quality instead of price. I have read about La Cimbali M21 L2 machine and I have also read that la cimabli should be THE BRAND...¿? is it true? is it as superior as said around there? which is the machine every italian café would like to have if there are no budget limits? (obviously there are...but I mean, the machine every barista would like to work on). I havent founded specific reasons to choose a cimbali.

Your opinion will be very important to me.

Thanks a lot for your help
Which espresso machine

After selling and servicing them for twenty years, I don't believe there is any one perfect espresso machine. However, there are some basic things to look for when choosing a machine for your location. Go to my website and click on the "Espresso F.A.Q." link. After you have studied the info there, get the specification sheets on every machine you are interested in purchasing. Be sure that you will have local service, parts, and tecnical support available. Ask for local references. Good Luck!
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