How many cups of coffee you Drink


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Nov 12, 2005
Tbilisi Georgia
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I may surprise you, but i drink 1 litre of coffee every morning during 1 hour, and the same in the evening during two hours. It is routine but in the daytime, whareever I am I drink coffee at every possibility -- about 3-6 cups.
Pure coffee, no milk in the morning and evening.


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Apr 7, 2009
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awesome..i really drink coffee as longs as in the morning and working ours,milk and hot coffee i drink coffee possible 3 to 5 cups aday...
I really do drink all day every day... it would be more accurate to ask, How often are you NOT drinking coffee?

At the same time.. I don't drink as much as it sounds. I'll drink about 10 to 15 cups (two or three 10 cup pots between my wife and I) between 7am to 10:00am .. then drive to work and make a pot there. I'll drink one to two 16oz cups by 2:00pm and then go on lunch.. then I'll usually make another pot around 5pm and again at 7.. finishing my last cup at 8:30pm.

Ok.. that sounds like a lot... but it doesn't really feel like a lot.... on the weekends I don't drink that much... just the AM ritual and maybe a cup after dinner.


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Sep 10, 2009
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I only drink starbucks. I buy a pound of it and grind it myself. One cup of that and I'm wired. If I have two cups Im shaking. If you buy high grade coffee One cup should be good

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Sep 3, 2009
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Huh...does decaf count?

I limit my daily consumption to two (2) cups of regular coffee. One more if I have an evening class.

Sometimes I add a cup of decaf on top of that.


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Oct 24, 2010
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usually a double shot of espresso in the morning. sometimes dillute a little bit to make "strong" americano if I don't feel like sipping espresso.

sometimes another double shot of espresso in the early afternoon.