is drive-thru espresso allowed in dallas(texas) ares


New member
May 20, 2005
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Hi all, this is my time in this forum. After reading thru some coffee related news, forums and national coffee consumption statistics, I am very much interested to start an espresso drive-thru in dallas area. I don't see an espresso drive-thru stand around dallas area.

Is it allowed(legal) to open a drive-thru espresso stand in dallas area? If anyone know about this, I will greatly appreciate your reply.

I also need opinion of seniors in coffee business, if it is a good idea to venture in drive-thru espresso in dallas area.
Hey there everyone!
I'm brand-spanking new to this website, and I'm lovin it. I had no idea a place like this existed.

I don't know about what works in Dallas, but I am in the planning phase of opening my own drive-thru business here in Kansas City. I'm in pretty much the exact same boat as beanadmirer, though.
My main issue with the whole thing right now is trying to find a source to purchase a pre-fabricated "shack" to operate my business in. I've found a couple websites that sell them, but they are located way out on the west coast.
Does anyone here who has opened their own drive-thru have any advice on this? Where did you get your building? etc.
I was originally going to have a prefabricated building, but ended up buying plans and having them brough up to code here in Georgia. It's a good thing too, because they wanted to wait until they got the building here to make sure it would meet all the Health Departmant regs, and there is now way it would have passed. We had to add a couple of sinks and a lot of storage to the design. It was hard to find a contractor that wanted to do anything this small. Eventually we found a home builder who did it, but it was a experience trying to get it together when neither of us had prior experience. We hired a horrible architect too that left us with a lot of guess work. It cost us what it would have if we had used a prefab, and it is still a movable structure. We learned alot, and could cut some costs next time around.
With the espresso drive thru boom finally hitting the rest of the country it is very difficult to explain to city government, banks, other lenders and even friends what this business is about and how to make one successful. Sure most have seen or heard of places like Star Bucks, Tully's, Gloria Jeans, etc. but most have no idea of how to start and run a business like this. KK it seems like you've already experienced some of the set backs involved with starting your business. To tell you the truth, you would be better served by bringing on a qualified consultant. One that has built their own drive thrus and has a track record for running them successfully, in addition to being able to secure equipment, secruity systems, training, and if they are also a coffee roaster, all the better. As for prefab espresso drive thru building, those builders usually know all the requirement for building these buildings. For example they know what the health dept is looking for in addition to what building inspectors require in addition to qualified architects that know how to draw up the plans. Remember this is not an issue on saving money, it's an issue of investing in your business and doing it right the first time. If you take the time to to the due deligence and pencil out a proper business plan you will have alloted the proper budget to allow for your expenditures. That is why I would urge you to find someone qualified to assist you so you don't spend too much money. Don't be afraid to find the proper help. :grin: