While doing some research on this very topic for an article for my coffee bean website, I found the same thing as Alex above (mcohveca).
The primary enemy of coffee bean freshness is air and light.
I really liked the suggestions that Mr. Jim made above about directing customers to beans that need to move (having sales). And, I agree with several above that one way valves can help if you want to pay the extra $$, but that you shouldn't need the one way valve if you are moving your beans quickly enough.
During my research a common suggestion was to just store in air tight containers, and store them at room temperature in a dark pantry, hidden from the light.
As for freezing, many people suggest to not freeze. Or, if you need to freeze, to only freeze ONCE. That it's the change of temperature that causes the most damage to the coffee beans. The other thing to think about with freezing is that if you plan to freeze for an extended time (still not really recommended), that you should make sure there aren't other strong aroma's in your freezer that could have their smell seep into the coffee beans. I'm not expecting you to have fish in your coffee shop freezer, but something else to think about if you decide freezing is for you.