latte art!


New member
Mar 6, 2005
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nzroaster, I've been wondering.
Who did you have make that latte art?
Rowley said:
nzroaster, I've been wondering.
Who did you have make that latte art?

Those were the photos our barista brought with him when we interviewed/hired him. He pours them every cup, he's impressive.
I'm interested in hearing more on how your barista created that amazing latte art.
You need a great coffee base and the rest is getting the right density in the milk and then how you pour it.
Im pretty average at it compared to some of the young kids .. some of the stuff is so very intricate its mindblowing. Whats more mindblowing is watching some of these guys do their stuff so nonchelantly as they talk to you about the weather...or football.. or whatever.. :?
Rowley said:
I'm interested in hearing more on how your barista created that amazing latte art.

We are looking at getting him a training accreditation once the cafe/roastery is running smoothly. Then he will barista traing out of our venue, which would see a dvd out as well. Also getting him ready for Australian barista champs next year.
Until then, if you ever come to Australia...

Whats more mindblowing is watching some of these guys do their stuff so nonchelantly as they talk to you about the weather...or football.. or whatever..

While the customer/ I stand and watch in amazement
nzroaster, I remember your site, I see you improve your site very well, and about your art latte, wow! how do you make that? :shock:
bluecoffee said:
about your art latte, wow! how do you make that? :shock:

The easy way....hire a good barista!!!
more pics on now, check them out
Wow, I didn't even know this existed!! I shall have to try it... chances are, it will look like "Blob #1" through "Blob #247", but... :)
Funny nzroaster! :?
I mean the first picture, is something new for me. The heart and the apple is relative easy to make. And I'm talking for someone Who don´t make capuccinos all the time.
I'm relative new in this stuff :roll:
That first blob reminds me of the painting "The Scream" by Edwin Muench.

I often felt that way when I was first working on my rosettas, but I've never seen anyone do "The Scream" as latte art. Very impressive.
Hey Javahill retur! You always give good advice. Thank you.
My art latte is like Picasso :-D but this is because I don't practice just when I go to the coffee shop and they allow me to use the machine. But is practice, practice, practice and keep the details of the process, the grind, the blend, the time............................
When I make a beautiful figure, I will put the picture here.
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