McD's Iced Coffee (Vanilla?)

Jan 18, 2008
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I like an occasional iced coffee bev at a McD's or Dunkin Do's, better yet BK's mocha Joe... :D

Okay, so boo's aside, what the heck is McD's putting in their vanilla iced coffee that makes it taste like medicine? Yesterday was the first time I tried it and I immediately thought, I didn't order a milky diet coke did I?

This was anything but a good drink and although I don't like to waste, I had to toss it out.
caffe biscotto said:
what the heck is McD's putting in their vanilla iced coffee that makes it taste like medicine?.

I've been wondering the same thing. The other day I needed to run some errands and didn't have the time to make my usual latte before I left the house. I've heard how bad McCafe's are but I was curious to see for myself. I ordered a vanilla latte and my brother had a caramel latte. If you think the vanilla is bitter and chemical tasting, you should have tried the caramel. It is absolutely horrid. I told the girl who made them that they were undrinkable and she replaced them for us with a couple of mochas (which were not great, but not bad). The biggest problem seems to be the syrups that McD's uses. I asked the girl what kind of syrup they used and she showed me the bottle that only stated "McCafe Syrup". I'd really like to know who McDonalds contracted with to provide them their syrups because I'd like to steer clear from ever having to taste that sh*t ever again. Yuck!
Sorry folks, i cannot justify spending money on institutional coffees. You all know that McD's coffee has to be warehoused for months on for the chemical taste, i totally agree, but I thought more of the a cat litter box when I tasted my iced vanilla latte. We just happened to be having a business meeting there and McD's offered us all a sample of their "new" iced drinks......little did they know they were serving to a group of well-trained baristas!!!!! The concensus from the group was
that this was the most disgusting coffee we had ever put to our lips!
Hello Everyone,

It's amazing how fast time goes by. It seems like is wasn't all that long ago when we were discussing iced coffee in another topic thread, but it's been a whole year. Yup, it's the season for iced coffee again.

I've heard a lot of comments recently about how McDonald's vanilla iced coffee has changed. Many people who liked it last year are disappointed this year. They probably started using a different brand of vanilla syrup. If the flavoring tastes like medicine, you know it's something to stay away from.

caffe biscotto said:
Okay, so boo's aside....This was anything but a good drink and although I don't like to waste, I had to toss it out.
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Sorry, got busy, back now...

Oh, it was actually a vanilla iced coffee. Maybe its because I've become so accustomed to drinking black coffee, but it really tasted like some kind of cough medicine.

I have yet to visit a McCafe. I don't think there are any around here in Berkshire County.
I have to admit, you are all much braver than I. I can't bring myself to try coffee from a fast food place. My husband had an McD iced mocha. I had a sip of it and that was enough to satisfy my curiosity. I do wonder who is doing their syrups... there may be some fine print on the label if you can get an unsuspecting crew member to check.

EPD: Love the Ha ha!!!
Oh I am not brave, I just needed caffeine. I ordered McCafe cappuccino just to see what kind of quality they are selling. It was god awful. So I went to the McDonald's side and got a regular black and it was pretty decent, much better than many indie shop's coffee that I have been to. I actually enjoyed it. If they can raise their McCafe's standard to their regular coffee standard, they are going to be head and shoulder above Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts.
The MCD coffee around here is pretty watered down--and its like that at 3 of them in the area. When they started promo-ing their "premium roast", I wanted to try it to get an idea of what it was like. And it was just watered down with a slightly burnt taste. I think they just need to adjust their brewers.