Mobile Espresso Van Question


New member
Oct 11, 2006
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I am in the process of adding a mobile espresso van to my already existing drive-thru business. I understand how to go about establishing a daily route as well as renting out space for the occasional weekend events. My question for all of you who already own a mobile business is how do you handle a situation where say a woman’s coffee group wants you to set up at their meeting for an hour or two? Do you offer a flat rate for these types of events? Do you charge as they buy? Do you keep a tab then let the organizer know what they owe at the conclusion of the function? If you do charge a flat rate how do you establish a price that is a good deal for the customer and a worthwhile endeavor for your time? What has been your experience with this type of situation and what do you recommend? I am located right outside of an Army base and have already been asked if I will provide a “catering” type of service for the above mentioned type of events. Thanks in advance for your help.
I reckon that charging a flat rate is the best way. You know how many people are attending and how many drinks you can make an hour. So average out the cost based on the numbers that work for you.


100 people attending
You can make 40 drinks per hour
You agree that everyone will have at least 1 drink with up to 50% wanting 2
You will be there 3 hours
Each drink is $2.00 (or whatever you charge base it on a latte)

You charge for 100 drinks....the 20 extra is your discount and if you can make more charge is $200

Of course all this is variable on other products you can sell, biscuits, cakes chocolate etc...for those you take cash.

Nice and simple with no arguments over who had what.
Mobile Van Questions

Thanks for the reply...Is it acceptable to add a mileage fee for the price of gas? What if the customer wants smoothies(drinks other than espresso based)? Would the flat rate cover all drinks or do you normally sit and discuss exactly what is expected? Thanks in advance.
Re: Mobile Van Questions

jtilden said:
Thanks for the reply...Is it acceptable to add a mileage fee for the price of gas? What if the customer wants smoothies(drinks other than espresso based)? Would the flat rate cover all drinks or do you normally sit and discuss exactly what is expected? Thanks in advance.

I would say sweets and snacks, charge as normal, agree what drinks are under the flat rate and what are not, then clearly display on your board when you're there.

As for mileage, if it's the normal distance you would travel to ply your trade, then no because it's already factored into the cost of your drinks isn't it?....if, however, you are travelling much further than usual, then you could consider it (but then they arn't charging you a site fee are they?).

To be honest with you, I don't know that I would spend my time for a group of 40 people. The thing with a mobile business is you really need a crowd. That's where the money is. You mentioned you are outside of an Army base. Have you thought about getting with AAFES (Base Exchange) about being a vendor. That could give you exclusive rights to set up on the base to serve those people. Just so you know I'm in the military but I couldn't take my van on base due to conflict of interest, but that couldn't stop someone else. I guess the moral of the story is, you need to have a crowd to make serious money with this business. BTW, if you haven't seen, my van is for sale. Hope this helps.
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