I am in the process of adding a mobile espresso van to my already existing drive-thru business. I understand how to go about establishing a daily route as well as renting out space for the occasional weekend events. My question for all of you who already own a mobile business is how do you handle a situation where say a woman’s coffee group wants you to set up at their meeting for an hour or two? Do you offer a flat rate for these types of events? Do you charge as they buy? Do you keep a tab then let the organizer know what they owe at the conclusion of the function? If you do charge a flat rate how do you establish a price that is a good deal for the customer and a worthwhile endeavor for your time? What has been your experience with this type of situation and what do you recommend? I am located right outside of an Army base and have already been asked if I will provide a “catering” type of service for the above mentioned type of events. Thanks in advance for your help.