Moms and Dads Coffee Shop Owners


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Oct 10, 2006
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This is going to sound like a very strange question but I'm really interested in knowing the answer so I will ask the question anyway: Are there any mommies and daddies out there that own coffee shops? Did baby come first or coffee shop? My husband and I are in the process of saving money in order for me to start a coffee shop. We've also been talking about having a family and I was just wondering how people deal with both. I know that owning a coffee shop is a big responsiblity and takes a lot of hours in at the shop. And kids are the same (if not more work and responsiblity). So mommies and daddies is it possible to fulfill both dreams?
I'm working on a start up right now and I have 2 little ones so ask me again in a year or so! Seriously the one thing a lot of people/couples seem to do is try to lower their costs by doing all of the labor. I think this is hard to sustain for anyone much less with babies so my amatuer recommendation would be to make sure that your projections provide for employees right off the bat. One of you will still need to be there almost every minute but at least you might be able to cut yourself a little slack.
Thanks for asking the question! My husband and I are in the same boat. We have planned for some employees. I am sure, once we get going I will wind up pregnant. We've been trying for two years, so it would happen NOW right? LOL
Why put yourself and the hubby in the situation of trying to raise a baby and open up a coffee shop? It is pretty much common knowledge that someone is going to need to be at the shop almost from open to close doing book work, writing orders, making drinks etc. I''ve managed a store and been a supervisor of a couple and trust me it ain''t a walk in the park most days especially when you are managing 12 people at a time, making sure things are stocked, brewing coffee making drinks, doing paper work etc. Throw a screaming baby who needs to be fed and well that is asking for a disaster and sending your employees to the unemployment line cause you don''t have sufficient time to run your shop. What it boils down to is you can''t have your cake and eat it too. Sorry.
Thanks for being so honet, but it doesn't look like I have to worry about having my cake and eating it too because we just can't get pregnant. We have basically given up on having children. It was just a smart "what if" remark.
Thanks for being so honet, but it doesn't look like I have to worry about having my cake and eating it too because we just can't get pregnant. We have basically given up on having children. It was just a smart "what if" remark.

Anne I'm sorry you and the hubby aren't able to have a baby :cry: I hope that my reply didn't sound harsh to you or the op. I was just trying to show a bit of the realities of trying to run a coffee shop. I hope that things turn around for you and the hubby with the child situation or maybe even look into adoption. Sooooooo many kids out there young and old that need a loving home and a second chance.