My coffee life


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Sep 11, 2003
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Hi my name is coffeefreak31. Im 34 years old. I started drinking coffee when I was in school. I never wanted to eat breakfast ,so my Grandmother would mane me a cup of coffee. I drink my coffee black. I dont want to ruin it by putting anything in it.(LOL) :P everyone in my family makes fun of me because I take my coffee with me where ever I go. :shock: When relatives have get togethers ,they always have beer and wine,but I take two thermoses of coffee with me. Im partial to Maxwell House Coffee.I used to drink Master Blend,but they changed their formula or something,so now I drink the orignal. I honestly think the company would go out of business if I stopped drinking coffee. :D Well thats my coffee life ,hope everyone enjoys it. Let me know!!!!!!! :-D :lol:
One of the Best Drugs Made!

I like your story, coffeefreak! I've just re-discoved coffee recent (see story in another part of the forum) and I can't believe I've made it this far in life without it! Damn fine chemicals in this stuff! Can't git enuff! :)
*notmuffy enters the room. Everyone is quiet. :shock:

"HI my name is Notmuffy and I am a coffee-a-holic."

*notmuffy sits down with her travel mug and takes a sip. :oops:
Completely. It's scary to think what would happen if I didn't go and get my double espresso in the morning. Not pretty.
Without it, I'm nothing!

It's the only reason I'm conscious right now!
coffee-a-holic eh? Do you have coffee beans tat2ed on you? I have a bean tat2ed on each wrist! 8)
ha! doctors don't make money eh? Yeah and the casino I work for is a non-profit organization! :wink:
Got me!

I admit, money ain't the reason I haven't any tatoos. :oops:

I've seen what a mess they make when you try to remove one you don't like. I've seen what they look like when they're 75 years old :shock: , and I afraid I'd change my mind about what tatoos I'd like to have about every month!

I'll stick with the stick-on, wash-off type, myself.
:) Topher!
Post pictures! I wanna see the tatoos! :D

p.s. I knew a Topher once... you weren't ever a student at Univ. of Massachusetts, were you? :wink:
no sorry wasn't a student in Mass...I am a student of life...but I am failing...actually I went to a junior college and then got my apprenticeship
roasting coffee...and have been at it ever since. I will see if I can get my beans :oops: photographed there is a picture of my back @
Coffee beans are nice....

But I doubt they could compete with that!
the first time I got it done it took 36 hours(broken down in 4 days) I got it re-done 2 years ago(starts to fade after 10 years) and it took nine 2 hour sessions...the coffee beans only took about a half hour :twisted:
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