Need some help from my fellow coffee drinkers...

If you could pick one coffee as your favorite, what would it be? (Due to limited poll options, pleas

  • Pacific - Sumatra, Sulawesi Toraja, Java Blawan, or New Guinea (please post which)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • African - Kenyan, Ethiopian, Yemen, or Tanzania Peaberry (please post which)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Central American - Guatemalan, Mexican, or Costa Rican (please post which)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Asian - Turkish or Indian (please post which)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • South American - Brazilian or Columbian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Blend - specify what type (i.e. French Roast, San Francisco, Lousiana, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Decaff - specify in post what type

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other - specify in post what type

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Sep 9, 2005
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I am working on a class project about coffee, and I would really love your input. Please take my poll and post a response to the following questions.

Are you M/F?

How old (if you don't mind me asking)?

What is your favorite brand, flavor, and/or kind of coffee?

How do you drink your coffee? Iced, cappucino, espresso, latte, etc.
Here's some answers for you and I hope this helps.
Also, try some of our coffees if you'd like, We have a GREAT variety and several are rated as the best coffee from each of their origin. Good luck on your project.

Are you M/F?

How old (if you don't mind me asking)?
30 - drinking coffee hard core since I was 18/19

What is your favorite brand, flavor, and/or kind of coffee?
Love origins. Love lighter/vienna roasts over darker/italian roasts. Not a flavored coffee fan. Love tasty sweetness and berry taste in coffee, I feel that way about our Sulawesi, Don Quijote, Kenya, Papua New Guinea.

How do you drink your coffee? Iced, cappucino, espresso, latte, etc
Black - straight up. Love espresso but most espresso gets ruined by inexperienced baristas. Creating a drink is a true artform. Anyone who serves espresso with a lemon sliver and sugar cubes is SILLY. A good espresso should be buttery, creamy, sweet and hellified yummy! Mocha is my fav. fu-fu drink.
Tough question! Did we really have to pick just one!?
I love a good Jamaica Blue Mountain, but I also love Ethiopian Yirg., and I also love coffee from Nepal!!!
Favorite Brand? Well that would have to be Cohveca Coffee!
I drink my coffee either black or with cream and sugar. The traditional Jamaican way is to use sweetened condensed milk, which isn't all that bad!
Good luck!

Are you M/F?
How old (if you don't mind me asking)? 34

What is your favorite brand, flavor, and/or kind of coffee? Hard one...I am really enjoying some Costa Rican right now....Mine :oops:

how do you drink your coffee? Iced, cappucino, espresso, latte, etc. Black or with scotch
M/F: M
age: 47
favorite brand, flavor, and/or kind of coffee: It changes all the time. Right now, Indian Mysore Nuggets Extra Bold :D light roast, no second crack.
how do you drink your coffee: I drink my dripped coffee black or with cream and sugar, or black with sugar, depend on the coffee, and depend on my mood; espresso with sugar; espresso with a shot; cappuccino without shot or sugar.


Right now I'm into a nice Yemen Mocha Ismaili and the PNG's have been really great!

Mostly espresso, I prefer a nice tight single shot, almost always a blend these days. SO's usually get pressed.
Are you M/F?

How old (if you don't mind me asking)?

What is your favorite brand, flavor, and/or kind of coffee?
Currently, my favorite is Hawaiian Kona Peaberry purchased from Bayview Farms.

How do you drink your coffee? Iced, cappucino, espresso, latte, etc.
Straight up black
Are you M/F?

How old (if you don't mind me asking)?

What is your favorite brand, flavor, and/or kind of coffee?

"Natalie's Roastery - Uncle Bill's Blend"

How do you drink your coffee? Depends on my mood. I drink it black when I'm working and add sugar and cream if I'm sitting in the yard relaxing.