Need some help


New member
Nov 20, 2005
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I have been in business several years (not the coffee business) and recently have been asked to be on the advisory board for a small church that opened a coffee shop as a mission project. They are located on a college campus where there is no competition but I am wondering how much traffic you need to have to be successful? They opened a week ago and have only been averaging about $200 per day. The inside of the shop is beautiful and I think it's as nice as any coffeeshop I have been in.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Figure out their overhead. Utilities, rent, maintenance, supplies, employee costs, and everything else I didn't mention.

Only after you do that can you determine if $200 will make or break you.

The question I have for you is, how is the church classifying this business? Is the church nonprofit or profit?
It's a non-profit and they are considering it a mission project for the college students in the area but the church has very few assets so it needs to support itself.
$200 a day

Only a week at $200 a day... all I have to say is that businesses take time. The place will slowly start to build clientele and make more... but you can NOT determine anything from one week of business.

your market is also limited due to the fact that students may feel that they will be preached to if the go
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