Need to move up


New member
Aug 7, 2008
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I'm getting to the point where I need to move up to a larger roaster. Currently on a 2006 model YM2 on propane. I'm looking to move up to a YM5 or 10 or on a USR 5 kilo. Anyone have some input on these? Anyone have experiance or knowledge of them? Anyone know of a roaster like this for sale?
You should also consider the IR5 (used be IR7) Diedrich. It is heavy at 998 lbs or so. The price was pretty resonable too when they showed it at the SCAA show recently. And the USR 3 Kg is said to be able to roast 10 lbs at a time and it's even less than the IR5. Debbiej just bought one of those and moved up from a YM-2 too. I considered the IR5 and USR 3kg before I found the 2009 YM-2 I just bought.

I'm finding out that I probably can't roast at home and sell my coffee. Coffe is considered a food and I need an approved food prep facility in San Diego to prepare food (I think). Makes you wonder how Mrs Fields and others would have become successful if they had lived here.

Congradulations on your success. I guess I'll have to rent a commercial building or space in a coffee shop somewhere to do fullfill my dream, lol.
I posted in the previous post about US Roasters. check it out
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