new forum member with marketing questions


New member
Oct 20, 2010
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Hello all. I'm new and have been perusing your great forum with interest. I have some industry questions and hope you can help me out. I'm asking not to promote myself but for research for my business's marketing plan.

I'm a communications professional specializing in writing and graphic/web design. I'm searching for a target audience and am interested in the coffee industry. Can you tell me how great your industry's needs are for graphic design, web design, social media, copywriting? Does your industry see the value of design as a marketing tool? Are you willing to pay for professional design or writing?

To you coffee shop owners, do you have ongoing needs for design services? Do you regularly print menus? Advertisements? What kind of visual promotion do you do? When you needed a logo, how did you search for a designer? Did you seek a professional? Did you seek someone specializing in coffee design?

Do you market yourself with social media? Are you in need of learning how? Someone to do it for you?

I realize my questions are somewhat generalized, but if you have any opinion or information, I'd be most grateful. Thanks so much!
We do all of this in house. We have a "creative" team that designs our website, creates all printed material, and runs the social media end. They are also in charge of our new customization program where you can send in a picture/design and we will make a custom label for special occasions/charity/gifts . Its nice having this done all in house :wink:
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Good for you! What type of coffee sales are you in? How large/small is your business compared to your peers? Do you know much about other coffee businesses and how they use design (since I'm not getting much response thus far...:)

In doing my marketing plan, I'm also attempting to choose a target audience - thus my questions. I sure spend a lot of time in coffee shops and am fascinated by the industry. Yet, I wonder if it has a need for design services and is willing to pay for it.

What do you think?

We also do everything in house, and our best customer is a 20 yr. media/marketing professional, so any assistance we do need is through trade -- or dinner.

I would suspect if you have at least three years of proven effectiveness and success with various social media and innovative marketing campaigns in the F&B industry, then there could be a possible market for your services. I think many small businesses do not understand marketing, and the additional problem with that is they are often sold a 'bill of goods' by "marketers" who don't understand it either.

Show a rate of return no less than 4:1 on your services over a three year period, and I think you will be able to find people who would need you.

Good luck!
I would consider us small. We roast to order and are pushing out around a million pounds a year via the internet. I am sure you could make a run at it....There are plenty of companies that do not have a department focused on this. We are lucky to have a department that is. Our "creative" department is in charge of all aspects of marketing as well as art, web design, etc. Keep us posted on your findings :wink: