new roaster--cooler tray?


New member
Sep 3, 2004
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I'm new to the business, signed up for seminars etc. Looking at roasters for installing in my chocolate/coffee shop. If I want to minimize heat in the area, do I go with an air roaster? If I do 7# I need to also buy a cooler pan? I found a floor roaster at Diedrich's...don't really know what my demand will be. Also, in flavoring, do you spray the beans in the cooling tray or when do you do that? I have a million questions, my semionars don't start for a month!
Thanks for any help and advice.
What semionars are you talking about? I would not suggest an air of the first places I roasted at had a 5 kilo roaster in the 500 sq ft retail shop(man it was small!) I roasted for 2 locations on that little thing...anyway as to not I repeat do not put flavoring in your cooling tray...I use a mixer...looks like a cement mixer..but if you are doing small batches...s/s mixing bowls work real well. Well if you have any questions drop me an email...where are you going to be located?
What seminars are you talking about? I would not suggest an air of the first places I roasted at had a 5 kilo roaster in the 500 sq ft retail shop(man it was small!) I roasted for 2 locations on that little thing...anyway as to not I repeat do not put flavoring in your cooling tray...I use a mixer...looks like a cement mixer..but if you are doing small batches...s/s mixing bowls work real well. Well if you have any questions drop me an email...where are you going to be located?
Here...Here...Don't blend flavored coffee in your cooling bin, I'd even go one step further and suggest that you shouldn't even do flavors in the same area. Flavors have a way of retarding your regular roasts as well. Meaning some flavors are so heavily concentrated that the scent can transfer itself to other coffees you may be roasting. I totally agree with Topher, don't go with a hot air roaster. As for the training class are you attending the one that Diedrich's is putting on? If so, that's a great class. They really put on an informational and entertaining display. Steven is a master at his craft at putting these together and is very passionate about what he does. Additionally his support and technical staff is top shelf.

Contact me if you have any questions about Diedrich :p