Not sure how you guys do it..


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Aug 14, 2003
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I go to work around 3 was bloody cold this morning...41 degrees!! How do you guys do it up north??!! I am going to die at the SCAA show :cry:
Hi Topher,

Bloody Cold at 41 degrees?

Right now it's 7 a.m. and it 28 degrees in Philadelphia. I'm know it was much colder at 3 a.m, but I didn't have to go out early today.

We just get used to the chill in our bones, and we wear lots of "layers," and, of course, we drink lots of coffee!

Jackets and gloves are handy items when there's a chill in the air. sounds like you don't even have to scrape the frost off of your windshield every morning??? I'm jealous!

But ....I hate the hot weather....I don't know how you can stand the heat.

Enjoy your day.

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ice on the windsheilds? Ice goes in drinks not on your has warmed up to a chilling 60 degrees now. Should get up to 70 by days end..with a nice breeze off the ocean :p
Hi Topher

I really think you'll survive the SCAA conference, but you'll probably want to pack a sweater.

The average temperatures in Minneapolis the first week in May are:
An average high of 66 degrees and an average low of 43 degrees, which are close to the temperatures you're having today.

Of course, in 1967 there was a record low of 18 degrees....but with global warming, we really doubt that will happen this year.

Enjoy the sunshine.

Was 17 here in W Mass this morning, snow and ice still covering the ground. Funny, we haven't seen our coffee friends from Maine and Canada lately. I think they must be suffering from cabin fever, worse than me even.
I tell people I would be happy at 60F year round. Now if someone could point me in the general direction I need to go to find such a place I would be very grateful.

I would be really happy if the temp would quit falling under 32 so I could go plant my flowers without worrying so darn much.
Isn't the climate more stable in the equatorial countries? Same temps year around, not too cold and not too hot. Just right.

25 degrees here, this tax day morning in Mass. Summer is on it's way!

When any of "you guys" find the ideal place where the temperature hovers around 60 degrees all year 'round....please share the information with the class!

However, we also need to know if there are obvious threats of natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. It's not worth having the 60 degree temperatures when you'll constantly have to worry about the house blowing away.

It's supposed to be around 58 degrees in the Philadelphia area today. I can handle that!

Happy Tax Day to everyone (in the good 'ole USA)!

It is breezy and 68 in Volcan tonight. Lots of really great coffees to cup and there will be coffee blossoms by weeks end.

Rose, the only place I know that has weather like that is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. other than that, not too much wind.

Minnesota will be cold!
Hello Carmine,

It sounds like Volcan is a beautiful place.

Someday I would love to travel to an area where I could see lots of coffee blossoms. I imagine it would be a fantastic sight to see.

Have a nice day.

April 2008 Update:

I've been living in western Mass. for 14 years now and this is definitely the best April I've seen yet.
Temps have been in the seventies over the last week! Usually here, April means snow and ice still on the ground and the possibility of a snow storm still lingers.
Hey, I'm not complaining. But still, we gotta cut back on this CO2 stuff before things really get out of control....