These days virtually every food item in the supermarket is freshness dated with the glaring exception of coffee beans.
I presume the major coffee bean suppliers do this intentionally. If their bagged coffee were dated, the markets would pull the expired coffee, causing product returns, thereby reducing profits.
Peet's even has this meaningless phrase phrase on their bags: "Freshness Pledge: Peet's Coffee is with 90 days of roasting." Sounds impressive, but--here's the kicker--there's no date! Big deal--at some point, EVERY coffee bean is within 90 days of roasting.
I presume the major coffee bean suppliers do this intentionally. If their bagged coffee were dated, the markets would pull the expired coffee, causing product returns, thereby reducing profits.
Peet's even has this meaningless phrase phrase on their bags: "Freshness Pledge: Peet's Coffee is with 90 days of roasting." Sounds impressive, but--here's the kicker--there's no date! Big deal--at some point, EVERY coffee bean is within 90 days of roasting.