I have written an application (up and running) that will allow people to input their roast information on-line and share that information with other people. It's not roaster centric, so different roasters can be added to the database (by the users).
The reports allow filtering results by coffee, roaster type, user name etc.. and it could become quite a useful resource for those who home roast and even very small commercial operations (<3kg roasters).
New coffees and notes for the coffees can also be added to the system, the advantage here is that as roast information is entered, users can actually choose the coffees from a drop down list, if they have already been defined in the database....or define a new one if it hasn't. Now I do understant that all Brazil Yellow Bourbon isn't the same and lots differ, but in general roast characteristics will be very similar. If neessary, a coffee can be duplicated as long as the names are not exactly the same. e.g. Brazil Yellow Bourbon IA Feb 2007 etc...
Is there any interest on the forum, for people to start using the application...it's part of what I am already doing with my Coffee Forum and Wiki...but doesn't require membership of either and is open to all.
Moderators please note...i'm not posting the link as am not sure if it's OK to do so, so will wait to hear back.
The reports allow filtering results by coffee, roaster type, user name etc.. and it could become quite a useful resource for those who home roast and even very small commercial operations (<3kg roasters).
New coffees and notes for the coffees can also be added to the system, the advantage here is that as roast information is entered, users can actually choose the coffees from a drop down list, if they have already been defined in the database....or define a new one if it hasn't. Now I do understant that all Brazil Yellow Bourbon isn't the same and lots differ, but in general roast characteristics will be very similar. If neessary, a coffee can be duplicated as long as the names are not exactly the same. e.g. Brazil Yellow Bourbon IA Feb 2007 etc...
Is there any interest on the forum, for people to start using the application...it's part of what I am already doing with my Coffee Forum and Wiki...but doesn't require membership of either and is open to all.
Moderators please note...i'm not posting the link as am not sure if it's OK to do so, so will wait to hear back.