Re: electric percolators
I`m aware that I`m gravedigging an old thread, but there`s a bit of misinformation on the subject that should be addressed. There`s actually nothing wrong with an electric percolator, the trick is finding and using the right one. A properly-designed unit does not "boil the coffee" (a common misconception), it circulates water below the boiling point (in my case, 190 degrees F), over the grounds for a specific length of time (user-selectable to achieve the desired strength), and when the brewing cycle is complete, throttle back slightly to hold the coffee at approximately 175 degrees, with minimal degradation of quality. All in all, a very precise, controlled process which extracts the best that your beans have to offer.
After experimenting with number of different manufacturers and models, I came to the conclusion that (for me, anyway), the answer was a vintage unit from Universal Coffeematic. Their percolators are functional works of art, built like the proverbial you-know-what-house (Art-Deco styling, with beautiful, deep chrome over solid copper....try finding THAT kind of quality these days !) Mine is a top-of-the-line unit from 1956, it had never been used (!), probably a wedding present that got packed away in somebody`s attic for 57 years until I bought it. Been using it every day for 2 1/2 years, it`s built to go the long`s from a time when "Made in USA" meant that you had purchased the finest product available.
Coffeematics are all over that auction site, typically from $25 to $50....if you`re feeling adventurous, pick one might be pleasantly surprised !