Re-Usable Coffee Pods Emptying


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Sep 11, 2022
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Hi Everyone!

I am annoyed with my re-usable coffee pods and the difficulty of getting the used coffee grinds out. After I make my coffee, I have to hit the coffee pod against my garbage can to knock the coffee grinds out and it sometimes makes a mess. Does anyone else have this issue? I have heard it is bad to wash coffee grinds down the sink so I try to get as much as I can in the garbage. Is this a regular problem for people or am I just fussy??

I use what looks a lot like a "knock block" to empty my K-cups. I live in a small town which lacks any serious coffee supplies. So, an item like a Knock-Block was unavailable (without doing it mail order).

Target sells a "kitchen organizer" which works as a cheapo "knock box". It is made by OXO, and it can be found in the Kitchen section. It is about 22 bucks. It works. When it gets full, I dump it.


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    Target Knock Box.jpg
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Thank you for the reply! If your k-cup had an adjustable bottom piece that could 'push' the coffee out, do you think you'd prefer that?
It would require a precision fit between the bottom piece and shell. Othewise it would leak water which was not ran through the grains, resulting in a thin cup of coffee. In theory, such a part could be machined (but not formed/moulded from plastic, which lacks the precision). As coffee residue and fines form a deposit, it would be problematic as well.

Perhaps these limitations could be overcome with a rubber seal, some food-grade O-Rings are rated at 250 degrees F. But once again, these features would make the refillable K-Cup rather expensive.
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Thanks for the reply. My issue is getting the bulk of the grinds out of my K-cup. I find I have to hit the K-cup quite hard on the side of my garbage can to knock free the grinds and sometimes it makes a mess. Do you have this issue as well?

What are your thoughts on having an adjustable bottom piece on your K-cup attached to a spring that could 'push' the coffee out through the top (as seen below)? I am thinking about getting some of these custom manufactured. Do you think there would be interest in this?
