Roaster training advice


New member
Jan 29, 2008
Brantford, Ontario
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I have an 2KG roaster on order. I have never roasted before, but have done much reading on the net. I was looking for advice on the need for roaster training and the associated software. The training provided the vendor will cost me over $1,000 once you factor in the cost of the training, travel, and accommodations.

I have talked to a nearby roaster, and he doesn''t use the software package, and feels that you can pick up how to roast on your own.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
I don't use no stinking works for some. You do need to get your self a long enough hose to reach the roaster or a water extinguser :p Good any specific questions you have and we will be happy to help out. What brand roaster did you go with? I used to have a 2 kilo Ambex(miss it) and now have a toper 2 kilo..wish I had more time to play with it!