Saeco Capsule machines needing


New member
Aug 21, 2009
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Hi friends! Glad to come here to meet all of you!
We need buy capsule machines? Who can supply or help source from European and send to us (HongKong, China).
Brand: Saeco
Model:Lavazza A Modo Mio Extra and Lavazza A Modo Mio Premium
Qty: depend on the price.
With thanks!
Sounds like SPAM crap to me..... you need to post way more than 1 time to convince me otherwise. I get tired of retards coming on to forums like this trying to spread the crap to ruin whatever they can. Later!
shadow745 said:
Sounds like SPAM crap to me..... you need to post way more than 1 time to convince me otherwise. I get tired of retards coming on to forums like this trying to spread the crap to ruin whatever they can. Later!
I really do not understand why such comments from you!
I want only to know if anyboday here can help source this machines.
Is this account to be an advertisement should be fobbiden?
Because I tell it like I see it and don't sugarcoat anything..... Most people that have 1-2 posts and ask for this type of thing are "usually" SPAMMERS. AND to have the first name of TONY and last name of WANG is kind of funny as well.

I'd say forget those crappy capsule machines. There may be a market form them in your part of the world, but here in the US they are considered POS. Later!
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