Short term storage


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May 25, 2009
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I'm wondering what is the best way everyone has found to store beans in the short term. In the very beginning i was roasting to order, roasting straight into 5# bags. Now as I'm getting busier i HAVE to have at least 5-10 pounds on hand for retail, samples, and small wholesale accounts.

i was thinking about 5gallon tupperware containers. I use 40 gallon containers for my greens. I'm embarrassed to say that i've been reusing 5# bags to store short-term but have noticed the oils from previous coffees are making the coffees bitter and will NOT work any longer because it's compromising the flavor. and of course this is going to get expensive if i keep using my 5# bags.

thoughts? experiences? Thanks!
for only storage, how about gallon zip lock bags? the freezer kind. you have to be careful about plastic, some hold and then impart odors. restaurant supply have the clear hard plastic kind, but they do stain.
We store coffee in 1 lb and 5 lb bags until it is used.

I use Vittles Vault Plus 15.5 liters
completely air tight come in various sizes.
Great for any type of grain, pet foods, etc
Interesting recommendation on the Vittles Vault product line. Do you think the material it's made out of does a better job than the plastic from Tupperware containers? After i had posted this and heard nothing back i went ahead and bought little 5# Tupperware containers. My dark roasts are definitely coating the sides with oils.

But i do also like the fact that the Vittles are air tight containers..good call.

The plastic is different than Tupperware, but the Vittles Vault is really air tight!! That is why I purchased them. The only thing I can suggest is purchase one and try it out. I have been using these for a year and I am happy with the results. I think they are comparable to cost of Tupperware.
Good Luck

I purchased mine from ULine, not sure who sells them and another vendor might be cheaper
Here is a pic of one size that the vittle vaults offer. These hold a little over 15lbs of coffee. They have larger and smaller.

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