startng a christian cfe n edmonton wana hlp?badly nid beans


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Oct 15, 2007
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hi guys,

im starting a christian coffe shop in the southside of edmonton. my friends(biz partners) and i are doing this not just for our own benefits but all for the glory of God, that we may be able to help hasten the spreading, in a more different way, of the word in such a multicultural society. My heart really had that desire to own my own cofi shop ever since i stepped in college(that was around ten years ago by the way). In the same way as i was growing to know God, he has continually touched me to join Him in His plans of reaching to more individuals spreading the good news. well, so now im joining both desires in a way that i might be able to return all the glory to God.

Im not really much of newbie on coffee. i used to be a small time barrista at a small coffee shop i worked before ... the only problem i have is the best problem we all have - capital ... well im trying to work that out right now with investors. But, i was wondering, if you''re commited to such a cause, maybe you could help... maybe you might want to donate ... or sumthin. well, lets talk bout it over coffee and see what God has in store for us....

Anyway, im also looking for green beens provider or distributor here in edmonton, im really looking forward to having a shop with a lot of international beans to choose from ... or is it cheaper to import from other countries ??? or is it cheaper to buy frmo lantations themselvs ??? i really am quite a newbie i nthis point and i would appreciate all help and insights you might be able to suggest ...

im sure you guys more more about these things than me so please please please feel free to comment upon my opinions ... i would really gladly consider all thoughts and would really sacrifice a lot to study about all your ideas ... If ur an edmontonian, or an albertan, or a canadian or a north american, or an earthling, maybe you currently own or previously owned a coffe shop and are planning to donate or sell ur equipments and furnitures ... or maybe u have a been plantation. I reawlly thank God if u might be able to contact me ... Or you''re just really willing to give me info on anything, where what where to buy, how to do this and that , how to roast, how to brew , grind ,,, everything ... anything ...

or maybe even better, you would like to just donate a few dollars just so we might be able to be on the go as soonas possible... we assure you it will never be used for personal reasons

oh yes bythe way, like i said, by God''s grace if you''re commited to our cause, maybe u might be able to chat with me or talk personally, feel free to contact me too, i left my email public. I give you the priveledge of knowing me more personally by God''s grace.

please we need you''re help guys:) and i thank you so much in advance for the million replies in this matter. thanks thanks thanks

GOD BLEss you always coffe lovers ...
Scripture and verse

I cant tell you the scripture and verse, but it it says to remove the log from your own eye, before you try to remove the splinter from anothers, and God knows I'm the worse in the world. BUT PLEASE, at least glance over your post and correct some of your typo's and grammer.
Also, you might want to look at seekers coffee, as it is a Christian based company.

i can see that, i might be able to do it better had my two arteries on my two fingers on my left hand not been cut. it's been covered in a dressing for two weeks now, but im just trying harder for His glory alone... hehehe ..

anyways, thanks for the info .. im gonna check it out later thanks so much :) ....

God Bless
Re: startng a christian cfe n edmonton wana hlp?badly nid be

... all for the glory of God,
... i was growing to know God
... return all the glory to God.
... see what God has in store for us....
... I reawlly thank God if u might be able to contact me
... by God's grace if you're commited to our cause...
... knowing me more personally by God's grace.
GOD BLEss you always coffe lovers ...

Whew, that's a lot of references to God in a single post. Isn't this a coffee forum?

or maybe even better, you would like to just donate a few dollars just so we might be able to be on the go as soonas possible... we assure you it will never be used for personal reasons
Uh, huh...
my friends(biz partners) and i are doing this not just for our own benefits...
What is "your own benefits" then? Possibly, mmm, I don't know... Make a profit? :twisted:
Java Jesus

May I suggest "The Gospel According to Starbucks" by Len Sweet (you can get it from Amazon, of course). Then "Blue like Jazz", then "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. Look at the experience, the metaphors, and the audience....Christendom is longer does "Christianeze" communicate to the world we live. Fortunately, there is a connection you discovered that coffee facilitates, and that is a story of life, love, and acceptance around the aroma of fresh roasted, ground, and brewed coffee. I haven't met too many people that have a problem with Jesus while drinking a cup of coffee...however, I think you already hear a tone in the replies that a resistance (at best) or repulsiveness (at worst) definitely exists when christians that have a different vocabulary, want to build a christian business, and expect the "world" to openly receive them when, historically, the christians wouldn't receive them. Coffee can't help this. I suggest reading the books first, then consider opening up a coffee business that is centered around a "secular" or non-christian target group, hiring non-christian baristas (even "alternative" lifestyle folks), love them, accept them, embrace them, learn their story, live along side their complex situation, empathize, have compassion, and expect nothing in return. Then they may ask you, over a cup of java, who this Jesus is...but if they don't, love them anyway...

This may not be the place for this discussion, so feel free to pm me if you want to connect. :?
Re: Scripture and verse

edsen7 said:
or maybe even better, you would like to just donate a few dollars just so we might be able to be on the go as soonas possible... we assure you it will never be used for personal reasons
Huh? Yeah, we've all got money to spare. We're in the coffee business, we're rich! :D

davidwhatley said:
BUT PLEASE, at least glance over your post and correct some of your typo's and grammer. David
Amen! (Sorry couldn't resist)
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