The Macchiato 20oz??? Is this a Stupid Question?


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Mar 12, 2007
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Ok, I was sitting here daydreaming about my new venture (final stages of opening a coffeehouse) and it hit me. I make macchiato here at home (doubles) roughly 1.75-20z of espresso with foam on top. I never had one from say SB or The Coffee Beanery but was wondering... How in the world do you make a 12,16, or 20oz macchiato. From my understand it should only have espresso with foam and I know SB or anyone else for that fact could be pouring say 10oz shots topped with foam. Please explain.

A Macchiato meaning, \"marked\" is a traditional Italian drink which consist of a double (or single) shot of espresso topped with a small amount of steamed milk \"marking\" it with foam. These should only be made in espresso cup with a capacity of around 2.5 oz.
If you were to make a Macchiato in any thing else it would be a latte.
Heres the thing about SB. They make things up. They have two different drinks on their menu. One is the \"espresso macchiato\" which is the espresso with a bit foam as your used to and is offered as a \"solo\" or \"doppio\". Then there is the \"caramel macchiato\" that comes in 12, 16, and 20oz. The caramel macchiato is basically a vanilla latte in which you put a few pumps of vanilla, steamed milk, then espresso shots, then caramel swirls on top. So you see its not really a macchiato at all, Just a bizzare drink with a strange order of creation. :roll:
Thanks everyone for the replies... Glad to know I'm not crazy or missing something.
That's the difference between a Latte Macchiato (an espresso shot poured over steamed milk) and the Espresso Macchiato.

I really don't understand why they had to invent the Latte macchiato since it's basically just latte. We only do the traditional macchiato and refuse to so anything else.
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