Toddy: Did i do something wrong?


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Jan 28, 2007
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I tried my toddy for the first time today, and it seemed that there was WAY too much coffee in the pitcher-it spilled over when i put the water in. it is now sitting and looking fine (and SMELLING fine!) until i release the concentrate in about 5 hours...but, it just seemed like there was too much coffee grounds. Has anyone else had problems with this? is it always this messy too? i followed the directions that came with the toddy-2 cups water, then 1/2 the pound...then 5 cups water..then the rest, then 2 more cups of water. it is literally filled to the brim. i hope it works!
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I like filtron's instructions, they're very clear, and maybe i'll do it that way next time. OH-i meant i had 5 more hours from when i made the post to when i am going to pour out the extract.. i started it about 8 hours earlier than that...i