Traffic information?


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Dec 28, 2004
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My husband and I are planning on opening a drive through coffee stand, and right now we are still in the researching stage. We tried to read all the threads on this forum as we could so I hope this question won't be a repeat. We are trying to determine which location we would like to start at. Where do we get the information on the number of cars that travel on a particular road every day? And out of this number, how many can we assume will stop? I understand that's variable depending upon the specific location, but is there a broad estimate? I would really appreciate your help. I think it's great that so many of you are so helpful to us just starting out!! Thanks!

I am new to this, too. Just this morning I went to our Chamber of Commerce and looked at the traffic count map. The state Dept. of Transportation puts out results of traffic studies every year. In my state (Georgia), they will send you the map for $14. It's huge, and shows average daily traffic counts for all major roads.

In an earlier post, which you probably read too, one fella bemoaned the fact that his coffee bar was not near a traffic light, and cars were zooming by at 60mph. Other than that, and others may have some good thoughts on this, better than mine, but which side of the road you are on would make a difference (you want to be on the right side of the road for morning wake-up coffee customers on their way to work). Fewer customers are going to go to the trouble of making a left-hand turn on their way to work in order to get coffee. Also visabilityand signage will make a difference.

Good luck and have fun!
I'm also looking into the coffee shop business and this is all new to me. I never thought I would consider such a venture.

Regarding traffic counts, the DOT is a very good suggestion. I was able to find traffic counts on the DOT website for my area. Ellie, what other goodies did you find at the Chamber of Commerce? I'm planning on checking them out one day.

Once you have traffic counts, figuring out how many "hits" you'll get is something I'm struggling with myself. Roughly half of the cars will be coffee drinkers. Of those, I'm hoping to get 1.5%-2.0% at least. Anybody know if this is low, right on, or high?

Hey thanks for the info! I'll go talk to them today. Good luck to you guys just starting out too!!!

Our chamber has all sorts of goodies for entrepreneurs. They will do a demographic study for any location and any radius; they have a program involving local professionals, who will donate one hour of their time (lawyers, accountants, etc.); and they have a book called "ABC's of Starting a Business in Lowndes County" for new business owners including info on licenses and taxes, utilities, labor and safety regs, how-to's on doing marketing and feasibility studies, and sample business plans. The Chamber also hosts and coordinates many forums during the year to network and present your product to other businesses.

Also our SBDC (Small Business Development Corp) happens to be very good with the marketing side of developing your business, as well as other things. I don't know if every state has one, but ours is listed in the phone book under "Georgia", and is located at a state university here.

I know I must sound like I work for the Chamber :-) I guess I'll have to make sure I use what they have to offer, now!

Happy researching!
Hi Ellie,

Thanks for the great info on the Chamber of Commerce. I didn't know they did all that. Yes, the SBDC is also a fabulous resource. There is at least one in every state I think. I have one about 5 miles away. They have many free seminars, workshops and services that look very interesting.

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) is another. Check out their web site at

Best wishes,
Location Research

Location is the top concern for a drive thru. After you find the right location, securing it and getting it permitted is the next step and the most difficult. You will need to go throught zoning, building standards and the department of health for your area. A little advice, if you have two great locations and on is in the city limits and one is just beyond the limits in the county, take it. County ogverments are easier to work with most of the time. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

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