Using Pre-Paid cards in your shop


New member
Aug 13, 2004
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I was looking into setting up a credit card reader at our drive-thru and I was wondering if anyone has a good place to get service for pre-paid cards that are good at your shop.

Any alternate ideas/feedback would be appreciated as well.


Jason Rule
Hey Jason:

I'd say start off with printing paper prepaid cards to start off with. I have a couple of customers that have the credit card swipe type of system and they are pretty spendy. From my understanding they cost a few thousand dollars. However, if you were to make your own on your computer and come up with a store stamp, that would be a good idea until you can research the swipe type later.
I just spoke to a merchant services guy last week who had the value/gift card program for $39/mo. and no individual transaction fees. Included 100 free cards with your shop name on them. Pretty good deal considering any money left on the card stays with you; they essentially pay for themselves.

Also spending studies have proven that customers will spend 12-15%more when using plastic. Have a muffin with that 20oz mocha? :grin:
Thanks mcbone. Can you pm me with some details. We are looking to do the same at our places and spread the word to some of our other accounts. Do you have to lease the equipment from them or can you buy outright? Additionally do you know of any competitors?

Why PM?

Could you just post the information on here so it is available for all of us to see?

Thank you,

Did anyone ever get the info on the pre paid card deal mcbone mentioned. We would really like to offer them as well. Thanks
One of our customers recommends a system called "Coffee Shop Manager" she just got it about 3 weeks ago and loves it. They give you both credit card-type punch cards and pre paid cards with your logo on them. She says the system is about $4K and comes with finger tip touch register and card swiper so you can swipe your cards, credit cards and debit cards. If you want details their phone number is 425-947-0057. I haven't personally tried it, but our customer loves it. Hope this helps somehow. :D

Hello, nosing around the forums I saw Coffee Shop Manager mentioned so I thought I would point out our link:

CSM is more than just a plain gift card system, it replaces your register with a system to handle prepaid accounts, gift cards, loyalty programs and points programs all automatically with no additional fees.

That is on top of the basic functions of selling your coffee and other products, credit card processing, reporting, employee management, timeclock, theft auditing, inventory tracking, etc. etc. etc.

Hey DCJ:

Since I threw out the plug for you, do I get a free one :wink: As I mentioned one of our customers has one, and they seem to love it.
Sure thing! I will need a sample though.... :wink:

I really love my coffee, that's what got me started in this endeavour.
hey not to hijack the post, but what about a link to =D
mcbone said:
I just spoke to a merchant services guy last week who had the value/gift card program for $39/mo. and no individual transaction fees. Included 100 free cards with your shop name on them. Pretty good deal considering any money left on the card stays with you; they essentially pay for themselves.

Also spending studies have proven that customers will spend 12-15%more when using plastic. Have a muffin with that 20oz mocha? :grin:

I would love to get my hands on this system for our new shop.

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