What to do with a bad batch of green beans?


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Aug 5, 2019
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Last week we roasted a naturally processed Peruvian bean that we've been working with for several weeks now. It was an outstanding coffee that suddenly shifted from tasting like grape jam and raw sugar to dirty bath water. After the first bad roast, we tried again using a different roaster and it was at that point that it became clear that the green bean is the problem. We now have 15 lbs. of this coffee roasted and 50 lbs. of the green bean with no ideas for what we can do apart from throwing it away. Has anyone dealt with this before and/or have ideas on how we can repurpose the beans instead of tossing them?
Never had a bag change mid-stream... with green I don't want to sell I give to the local homeless shelters. They are always grateful for ANY donation... the organization I help was literally taking donated surplus k-cups and emptying them out to brew coffee.
I've never had a batch of coffee go south on me that quickly. The first thing I would do is figure out why. I doubt it was the coffee itself, but rather something in how it was stored. That's not to infer that you don't know how to store coffee but if it had been roasting nicely and then one day it wasn't something in the bean's environment caused it. Do you hire someone for pest control that perhaps contaminated it?
It's worth being careful where you compost the coffee beans, they make the soil very acidic I believe. Citrus trees like highly acidic soil, so if you have a lemon tree?