Which Coffee do you like most?

Hi Everyone,

I like Nescafe too but I like the own brand from Aldi as it`s nice and strong better still perc coffee does for me.
I like Dunkin Donuts Original for everyday coffee consumption. Death Wish for those days I need an extra kick, then maybe some Mountain Thunder Kona coffee for a day I want some extra flavor. I'm starting to expand my preferences and knowledge of coffee, so this list is by no means exhaustive of all the coffee I like.
Nescafe? Aldis? Try some real coffee then start posting here!
Ha ha agree. I can't stand instant coffee. In my wet dreams I drink Blue Mountain, Galapagos and Luwak. But in reality is something I can find in a store nex door.
I like Dunkin Donuts Original for everyday coffee consumption. Death Wish for those days I need an extra kick, then maybe some Mountain Thunder Kona coffee for a day I want some extra flavor. I'm starting to expand my preferences and knowledge of coffee, so this list is by no means exhaustive of all the coffee I like.
Where do you get your Death Wish? :-)
I don’t know which coffee I like most cause I haven’t found it yet. “Maybe this will be the one…?” goes through my mind right before I try a new coffee. That’s what makes it fun.
I also thought this was a forum for everyone, especially the folks who are new to the world of coffee. If you look at the extensive forum subject index, you'll see that it reflects the wide variety of interests and experiences that have always been encouraged on this forum. This is not a forum that's just for the coffee elite . . . .what qualifys a person to be considered "coffee elite" anyway?

Please.... let's all try to avoid slamming, dunking, or squishing the new guys. It's not very nice, and it's not at all professional. We need to remember that we were all new to the world of coffee at one time or another.

If we focus on encouraging and guiding folks to achieve a more "elite" coffee experience, we'll be doing them a huge favor.

Who knows? Maybe with our help and guidance, someone who likes Nescafe today will eventually start exploring the world of coffee and eventually grow to love something like a Tanzanian Peaburry or a Costa Rico Tarrazu.

Thank you Rose, I’m glad you stepped in and I sincerely hope those of you acting like children and better than thee and holier than thou coffee gurus tone it down a notch and start being helpful. Maybe you can help teach me something new. I just joined and thought this would be a great site to learn more about coffee, regular and mostly espresso made without bitterness. Recipe, machines etc.
Instead I discovered ignorant remarks about other peoples tastes. Grow up. I’m 73 and want a good damn cup of coffee/espresso from beans I grind myself. I do not like bitter coffee. So which espresso beans would any of you suggest and why that bean? Yes I have an Expresso machine, actually several cheap to better and best I can afford. Also have a new burr grinder. I will check back tomorrow for, hopefully a few suggestions and some measurement advice. I almost bought the Costa Rican Terrazu today but now that I found you all, maybe you can tell me more about it.
Thanks in advance for your experience and assistance with my newest journey into the wonderful aromas and tastes of coffee.
Thank you Rose, I’m glad you stepped in and I sincerely hope those of you acting like children and better than thee and holier than thou coffee gurus tone it down a notch and start being helpful. Maybe you can help teach me something new. I just joined and thought this would be a great site to learn more about coffee, regular and mostly espresso made without bitterness. Recipe, machines etc.
Instead I discovered ignorant remarks about other peoples tastes. Grow up. I’m 73 and want a good damn cup of coffee/espresso from beans I grind myself. I do not like bitter coffee. So which espresso beans would any of you suggest and why that bean? Yes I have an Expresso machine, actually several cheap to better and best I can afford. Also have a new burr grinder. I will check back tomorrow for, hopefully a few suggestions and some measurement advice. I almost bought the Costa Rican Terrazu today but now that I found you all, maybe you can tell me more about it.
Thanks in advance for your experience and assistance with my newest journey into the wonderful aromas and tastes of coffee.

You commented a post that is 14 years old :) . But anyway it’s still relevant.
For me, the question is upside down. The worst is no coffee. Every type of coffee is better than no coffee. There is no coffee I would not drink, and maybe even enjoy, if the alternative is no coffee. Yes, even instant coffee in a styrofoam cup. Bad breath is better than no breath. Consider that coffee seems to taste better the more I want it. The more I need a cup of coffee, the more I am willing to compromise on quality.

Beyond that, it is a matter of preferences. My favorite coffee, right now, is Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, prepared by pour over. This is what I prepare at home, this is what I fill my thermos with for the road.

I guess the message is that while we may be able to appreciate fine distinctions in coffee, and understand why one coffee is prized over another, this doesn't mean that we are snob enough to miss all the wonderful, meaningful experiences with all coffees. When a knuckle is scuffed against a tire bolt in mid-winter, a hot cup of over cooked Cafe Bustelo in a mug not washed in six months can be perfection indeed. When an apology is offered that resolves a fight with your significant other, who brings you a cup of coffee, that coffee will taste good. It may be the best coffee you ever have.

When someone says that under no circumstances will they drink this or that, I feel bad for them and all the transcendent coffee experiences they are willing to miss.
one of my favorites at the moment is from a local roaster who's only dealing with direct trade beans - OHANA Sao Silvestre.
It's a semi-washed (pulped natural) medium roast from Brasil - 100% Arabica single origin from the Cerrado-Carmo area. Lot's of sweetness and just the right amount of acidity.
In a cappuccino it has a very strong caramel flavor...
Kobricks and tmwardcoffee.com are my two go gettem coffees
You commented a post that is 14 years old :) . But anyway it’s still relevant.
Wow! I can't believe it's been 14 years since I wrote that post. I'm surprused to see that people are still referring to it. Yes, it's still relevant today, and I hope everyone will play nice - now and forever.
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