Which Coffee do you like most?

Which coffee do I like the best? Anything from my subs provider Gustatory tbh. Wholly 1000% recommend them. They feature all the best international coffee roasters (They're based in the UK) and are charitable with every subscriber - https://www.gustatory.co/pages/speciality-coffee-box-subscriptions

Im looking forward to receiving some Gardelli and Solberg & hansen coffee in February!!! Cannot wait, I read Gardelli are renown for being one of the best roasters in the world? Has anyone tried them before?
For quite a few months I've been roasting several dry processed Brazilian coffees, specifically for espresso and the end result is quite superb. I have given up bothering with washed coffees as most are too clean for me these days. The dry process gives that sort of Earthy/funky taste and very heavy body that I roast/extract for.
I like to roast and drink different types of coffee.
The last one was Smooth Criminal by Josie Coffee. Sweet and tasty.
For quite a few months I've been roasting several dry processed Brazilian coffees, specifically for espresso and the end result is quite superb. I have given up bothering with washed coffees as most are too clean for me these days. The dry process gives that sort of Earthy/funky taste and very heavy body that I roast/extract for.

What do u mean by clean?
Dark Costa Rican Tarrazu….Bold, flavorful never disappoints. This is my go to coffee.
Italian coffee for me is the best choice, we are from Italy and know the quality compared with others. Lavazza is the most simple.
I'm enjoying the coffee I'm getting from a local roaster more than any previous coffee I've tried. Bluestone Coffee Company. Sumatra Takengon. Dark/Medium roast. Fair trade. Brewed in a french press.
The information about a particular coffee brand can be obtained on the coffee boxes.
Having a coffee per day and taking coffee regularly can bring up several health benefits that are described as under.
This is my first post. Joined trying to find me a good source of coffee. I'm probably gonna get stones thrown at me for this statement, but my favorite coffee is Casi Cielo from Starbucks. I wish I could find that Casi Cielo or something similar in like 5lb bags, but it's only sold in 1lbs and it's like $15 for 1lb. I wish I could find an alternative coffee that at least tastes similar to it and be able to get it in bulk.
This is my first post. Joined trying to find me a good source of coffee. I'm probably gonna get stones thrown at me for this statement, but my favorite coffee is Casi Cielo from Starbucks. I wish I could find that Casi Cielo or something similar in like 5lb bags, but it's only sold in 1lbs and it's like $15 for 1lb. I wish I could find an alternative coffee that at least tastes similar to it and be able to get it in bulk.

Looks like that is a Guatemalan coffee from the Antiqua area (central)... I don't know what part of the world you are from but a quality Guat should be available from most roasters.
I've always been a Peet's fan. I like their Major Dickason blend, but i'm sure there are much better quality beans from small companies.
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